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Hornes Methodist Church is affiliated with the Globel Methodist Church

We are located at 145 W Hornes Church Rd

Wilson, NC 27896




If you were not able to be with us this Sunday, hear what we learned!


Find out more about how you can grow greater in joy!

9:00 AM Praise Service
10:00 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Worship
Facebook Sermon

posted Sunday at 2:00 PM

9:30 AM Bible Study


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EST. 1828



1828  Deed to Trustees of the Hornes Methodist Episcopal Church from Hilliard Horne for a “meeting house” and well.

1878 A larger “meeting house” was erected.

1879 A Sunday School was organized and continues today with adult and children’s classes.

1905 An organ was purchased and a choir was organized.

1909 A third church building was started and completed in 1910.  A Women’s Society of Christian Service was organized and the women became a vital part of our church.  Today the United Methodist Women continue a tradition of missions and Christian service.

1950 The construction of our present building was started and completed in 1955.  The building was dedicated on Easter Sunday, 1955.

1962 The parsonage was built and dedicated in 1964.  The United Methodist Men were organized and their work continues today.

1994 A property swap with the Edwards Family added parking adjacent to the building.

1995 A steeple was added to the church building.

1996 A Disaster Response Team was formed to aid church members and the community in times of a natural disaster or other needs -- This continues to be an active mission due to the frequency of severe weather events.

1997 Participated in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child—a ministry to pack and ship school supplies, candy and toys to underprivileged children worldwide.  The mission continues today – 917+ boxes and counting!

2001 A Seniors Group—“The JOY TEAM” was formed.  They participate in a global ministry with their “prayer bears”.  




2004 A Benevolence Fund was started to expand our local missions by providing assistance to our congregation and community with emergency financial needs. 

2008 The Ida Pearl Eatmon Scholarship Fund was established from a portion of the funds received through a generous estate bequest.  The annual scholarships are awarded to members of our congregation to further their education. 

2009 Horne’s stepped out on faith and became a full-time station church.

2010  The church began a mission to provide weekend food assistance to economically disadvantaged school children.. This program “Backpack Buddies” now has grown to a community-wide effort serving at-risk children in all Wilson County Schools through local volunteers and corporate sponsors.

2011 A 9:00 a.m. contemporary Praise and Worship Service (“SonRise” Service) was launched.

2012 A number of improvements to the church facility have been made including a walk-way and landscaping. 

2017 Community outreach efforts included a Free Family Fun Day was begun.

2018 Our United Methodist Women organized a Free Clothing Giveaway for our community.i

2019 We celebrate two new ministry / missions which will benefit the needy and new teachers.

2022 We welcomed back Rev. John M Check. Rev. Check was first assigned here in 1990 and was reassigned in 2022.

2022 We voted unanimously to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Denomination.

2023 Hornes became part of the Global Methodist Church

Our Church is 195 years old.  As we face the future, may we continue to serve our Lord and may he continue to bless us so that we can be a blessing!

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Our Mission is to make Disciples of Jesus Christ who Worship Passionately Love Extravagantly and Witness Boldly.



SonRise Servce
Sunday 9:00 am

The SonRise Service is our special Praise Service in the Fellowship Hall.  It is come as you are, enjoy a bit of coffee and maybe a muffin as you join us to praise God.


Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month.


Thanks for submitting!

Hornes Methodist Church
145 Hornes Church Road
Wilson, NC 27896


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